
1) Welcome!

2) Off-Gridding today

3) Exhibit A: 9 Main Street

4) Where we are!

5) My Site

6) The Castle

7) Why this system works!

8) What it really looks like

9) The Batteries

10) The Solar Panels

11) Diesel Co-Gen

12) Human Power!

13) Incentive

14) The Inverter/Chargers

15) Staber Washer

16) Energy Guide

17) Spin-X Dryer

18) Sundanzer Refrigerator

19) Demand Water Heater

20) The Idea!

21) Water Tank relocation

22) The Big Questions

23) Low usage = Porking

24) Another Example

25) In Summary


Cycling for a purpose: Power!

    A retired triathlon bike is how all of this started! I still have, and use, this today. It's piped into the system just like the vans and solar panels.
    You will get a very good idea of what it takes to power conventional appliances with this setup and a cheapie inverter - then - you'll throw all those electricity hogs away!
    This is truly renewable power!!!
    "Yeah, it's work, but when you're serious about Off-Gridding It becomes more of an adventure that can be downright fun!”

Copyright 2005-2021 JB Enterprise
All rights reserved.

  • A simple bike roller Trainer, hooked to A 1980's GM Alternator.
    Serves dual purpose:
  • Provides another source of renewable energy,
  • Keeps me in shape!